On 23rd June, the events of the United Kingdom to leave the European. This issue making the country the world has seen. The United Kingdom will leave the European Union impact on the world economy much. And then later removed United Kingdom will be?
The Pound Sterling (£) is currency of the United Kingdom using at the present which the United Kingdom was the member of the European Union or (EU) since 1973 by the European Union group has referendum use same currency in group member is the Euro (€) but the United Kingdom still using the Pound Sterling (£) because the population in the United Kingdom thought the value of Pound Sterling higher the currency of Euro by the government in United Kingdom has policy of referendum leave to the European Union the result of regulation in the constrain more of agreement in trade by the United Kingdom is the leader of economics world, trade and investment but after the United Kingdom joint member of the European Union it is seen slave of foreign power in the Europe such as German, France, and Italy cause the three countries have high power decision of the European Union and low economic is a falling to solve the problem by the stringent regulation of Central Bank of Europe make to the United Kingdom seem the problem in accelerate economic plane in country if leave out from the European Union, the United Kingdom can be solve the problem freedom in the economic whole not spend money to assistance the European Union for solving the problem not self- building with the United Kingdom back into the leader again by without shadow of the European Union.