Government attitudes towards regulations on departure may also create barriers , although increasingly today some states are adopting policies designed to make it easier for their nationals to leave. Article 13 of the universal declaration of human rights stipulates that everyone has the right to leave any country
Including his own In reality some countries, especially in the communist block , do prohibit emigration, either generally or for certain categories of citizen , control being exercised through the issue of necessary documents , including passport , visa of destination country , and vaccination certificate. More common now are policies aimed at stimulating emigration either for relieving demographic and social benefits stemming from remittances and the reduction of unemployment. A growing tendency, especially in southern Asia, is the organization of emigration through contracts.
Countries may allow potential how employers to come in and recruit, as in the case of china, use their own ministries of Labour to do the recruiting , as in Thailand. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, or set up their own bodies to organize recruitment and emigration , for example , the Philippine government’s employment development board which recruits workers whose skills are needed for contracts signed between itself and other governments