Alice is a Amalgamate monster who has a purple SOUL and is at LV 19. They live on the surface, and their best friend is Asgore. They are mostly green.
SinTeaZ is a Goat monster who has a white SOUL and is at LV 14. They live in Waterfall, and their best friend is Muffet. They are mostly red.
Zercus is a Insect monster who has a violet SOUL and is at LV 14. They live in the True Lab, and their best friend is The Amalgamates. They are mostly violet.
Alex is a Cat monster who has a black SOUL and is at LV 4. They live in the Ruins, and their best friend is W.D. Gaster. They are mostly red.
Bloody is a Amalgamate monster who has a yellow SOUL and is at LV 8. They live in the Ruins, and their best friend is Asriel. They are mostly yellow.
Gsans is a Robot monster who has a purple SOUL and is at LV 11. They live in the CORE, and their best friend is Alphys. They are mostly orange.
Frisk is a Spider monster who has a violet SOUL and is at LV 20. They live in Hotlands, and their best friend is Asriel. They are mostly black.
Gpapyrus is a Spider monster who has a red SOUL and is at LV 15. They live in the CORE, and their best friend is Toriel. They are mostly blue.
Asrial is a Amalgamate monster who has a black SOUL and is at LV 11. They live in Hotlands, and their best friend is Monster Kid. They are mostly rainbow.
Chara is a Ghost monster who has a black SOUL and is at LV 11. They live in the Last Corridor, and their best friend is Napstablook. They are mostly blue.
Chara is Legendary Goat.