Elder brother of the sibling duo Lee Chan Hyuk shared, "Our boss never interferes with our music. It seems that thanks to his consideration, I am able to do well and advance forward with Soo Hyun little by little."
On the entertainment company's involvement in Akdong Musician's music, he continued, "There are many [at the company] who want me to make more music, but that doesn't mean they want us to make YG-like music and change to be like YG. [Doing so] wouldn't fit Akdong Musician. We don't want to change like that and it doesn't seem like we will change like that either. They're saying that they want to challenge us to try out genres we have yet to experience instead of just doing existing genres we've already done."
He added, "Although we always watch out for our YG sunbaes' music and performances out of curiosity, we only do so for reference so that we don't lose our [Akdong Musician] color. Of course they are a great motivation for us, but we don't intend to follow them."
Younger sister Lee Soo Hyun agreed that there was no pressure at the company to conform to any sort of YG style, saying, "Even now, our boss who doesn't interfere in Akdong Musician's music hasn't changed his position. Instead, it seems like he's leaving us alone."
She continued to talk about the siblings' close relationship with CEO Yang Hyun Suk, saying, "There has yet to be an instance where the president scolded us. Instead, he spends time comfortably with us, goofing around with us a lot and making jokes. When the president came to Chan Hyuk oppa and my recording, because we were so happy we shouted, 'Hello boss!' and he was slightly embarrassed." She said, "We laughed seeing him take a step backwards and avoid us," revealing that the CEO has a shy side to him.
As the talented sibling duo are rather young and new to the industry, it's good to hear that they are being taken care of as well as being given the liberty to create their own sound under YG.