In a sense, I like the first chapter is tom and his friend , because scene is the beginning. That allows us to imagine a family of Tom . We were aware of the existence of life, Tom . Know the character of Tom . Tom 's love . And I knew that it was indeed, Tom, it is not an ordinary child. And to that , Tom was being punished. But the importance of this chapter is to speak and act for Tom Tom can persuade friends to help work though as himself. . In addition, Tom has been the destination of friends. in exchange for the special painted. This chapter has an indirect instruction. "Even though your body is dirty, but you still a happy." Tom was a man of ideas as adults. He talked to huck. even though huck is dirty. and before the Tom will believe what Tom had to be proved before. And this chapter ended with secretly in love for the first time at the beautiful of Tom. That his love is to sacrifice, even if it is an Apple. But believes that in the future, Tom let her get over.