Nowoei has 4 seasons spring summer. The autumn and winter.
Weather in Norway are different in each area. A dramatic difference can be found in the same area and can be very different in each year. In General, said. Coastal areas have mild winters with little snow. While there are countries in the area of the cold winter with snow much. On the contrary, In the area of the country, tend to be dry in summer. Hot Western Norway has more rain than the East Norway generally have a lot of wind throughout the coast, especially in the autumn.
Day time interval it considerable difference between the southern and Northern parts of the country. The more you much further north Daytime in winter becomes shorter. In Hammerfest European cities on the Mainland located north end The darkest time in the year, a period of nearly two months in the winter, in between this time. There are no day at all, but opposites also occurs in the summer when the Sun is shining at midnight!