Dear K.Ralf,
Refer the meeting today here is the summary.
1. GAAP maintains the payroll function , which includes the payroll calculation, slip preparation, the monthly personal income tax submission and the social security submission.
a. Monthly tax submission will be prepare by us and upload together in the internet for you to combine all the tax and make the payment at once. In the upload file, no one can see the detail only the cover page.
b. For the social security payment, we will request transfer or check monthly basis, once your messenger comes to pick up the payroll slip, you will bring along the check according to the amount we inform.
2. Accounting function will be starting by K Jaruporn and team since Jan 15 onwards.
3. Payment function will be starting by K Jaruporn once the new user in HSBC is created. Meanwhile we will assist to make any payment by your request.
4. We will return you BBL check book, bank book within this week.
5. We will return the old document starts from year 2007-2013 to maintain in your office, only year 2014 still maintains in our office for the auditing purpose.
6. Any detail that finalize will be sent to you for your accounting preparation.