C. Componential Analysis
• Componential analysis looks for contrasts among the cultural categories in the domains
• “Systematic search for the attributes (components of culture) associated with cultural categories” (Spradley)
• Uses idea of mail to explain. In our culture, we can classify our mail
– e.g., junk mail (flyers, notices, etc.), bills, magazines, personal letters
– because each cluster has an attribute that conveys meaning. Not visible to someone from another culture
C. Componential Analysis• Componential analysis looks for contrasts among the cultural categories in the domains• “Systematic search for the attributes (components of culture) associated with cultural categories” (Spradley)• Uses idea of mail to explain. In our culture, we can classify our mail– e.g., junk mail (flyers, notices, etc.), bills, magazines, personal letters– because each cluster has an attribute that conveys meaning. Not visible to someone from another culture
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