Poets, in all ages, have advanced this claim to inspiration. There is not, however,
any thing supernatural in the case. Their fire is not kindled from heaven. It only runs along the
earth; is caught from one breast to another; and burns brightest, where the materials are best
prepared, and most happily disposed. The question, therefore, concerning the rise and progress
of the arts and sciences, is not altogether a question concerning the taste, genius, and spirit of a
few, but concerning those of a whole people; and may, therefore, be accounted for, in some
measure, by general causes and principles. I grant, that a man, who should enquire, why such a
particular poet, as HOMER,*25 for instance, existed, at such a place, in such a time, would throw
himself headlong into chimæra,° and could never treat of such a subject, without a multitude of
false subtilties and refinements.