and, therefore, the most of ruminants (59%), especially beef cattle, dairy cattle and sheep are kept here. The serious problem
in livestock production in Java is limited land area for forage production and high number of poor farmers (ca. 82%). For this
situation, the comprehensive program for the development of forage production in integrated system has been conducted to
improve forage availability (production and quality) and carrying capacity of the region. The program included identifi cation
of non-pasture land contribution for providing natural forages and investigation of local grass species that is adapted to
shading and improvement of local grass. Non pasture lands that were dominated by local grasses (62-87%) contributed 1.5-88.6%
to forage supply, and improved carrying capacity 0.57-0.95 animal unit per ha per year. We have concluded that increase
in ruminant population of Java will be possible by introducing the integrated cultivation of local and introduced grass and
legume cultivars in various non-pasture lands and plantations.