Children and adults with autism, as well as those with other developmental disabilities, may have a
dysfunctional sensory system. Sometimes one or more senses are either over- or under-reactive to stimulation.
Such sensory problems may be the underlying reason for such behaviors as rocking, spinning, and hand-
flapping. Although the receptors for the senses are located in the peripheral nervous system (which includes
everything but the brain and spinal cord), it is believed that the problem stems from neurological dysfunction in
the central nervous system--the brain. As described by individuals with autism, sensory integration techniques,
such as pressure-touch can facilitate attention and awareness, and reduce overall arousal. Temple Grandin, in
her descriptive book, Emergence: Labeled Autistic, relates the distress and relief of her sensory experiences.
Sensory integration is an innate neurobiological process and refers to the integration and interpretation of
sensory stimulation from the environment by the brain. In contrast, sensory integrative dysfunction is a disorder
in which sensory input is not integrated or organized appropriately in the brain and may produce varying
degrees of problems in development, information processing, and behavior. A general theory of sensory
integration and treatment has been developed by Dr. A. Jean Ayres from studies in the neurosciences and those
pertaining to physical development and neuromuscular function. This theory is presented in this paper.