>>water use to 3.4 million m3.
We are working to reduce our greenhouse
gas emissions by, among other things,
improving energy and fuel efficiency and
pursuing lower-carbon alternatives to fossil
fuels. During 2015, our air and road travel
and freight transport emissions decreased
due to greater achievement in switching
freighting of goods from air to sea and
reducing business air travel significantly.
Procurement of energy from certified
renewable sources increased to represent
6.1% of total consumption.
Our pMDI inhaler therapy relies on
hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellants which
affects our carbon footprint. While HFAs
have no ozone depletion potential and a
third or less of the global warming potential
than the chlorofluorocarbons they replace,
they are still greenhouse gases. Excluding
emissions from patient use of our inhaler
therapy, our aim by 2015 was to reduce our
operational greenhouse gas footprint by
20% from our 2010 level. We achieved this,
with our operational greenhouse gas footprint
totalling 704,073 metric tonnes in 2015, a
reduction of 21.2% from our 2010 baseline