Lesson Plan
Subject: E33101 Topic: Brunei Darussalam
Unit: 1 place to go Grade 9 Time 60 minutes
Strand 4: Language and relationship with community and the world.
Standard F4.2: Usage of foreign language as basic tools for further education, livelihood and exchange of learning with the world community.
Indicators: 2 Disseminate/convey to the public data and news about the school in foreign language.
Terminal Objective
Students will be able to speak suggestion about attractions of Brunei Darussalam by using the role-play.
Enabling objective
1. Students will be able to use the structure to be going to + V.
2 Students will be able to pronounce vocabulary and tell past of speech.
3. Students will be able to role-plays from the conversation.
- Speaking skill. - Thinking skill.
- Participation of group.
- Responsibility - Punctually.
Learning Point.
Brunei's attractions.
Vocabulary: represents (v.), park (n.), village (n.), medicinal (adj.) reflect (v.) Structure: to be going to + V
Learning Management
Warm up (10 min)
1. Teacher greetings the students.
2. Teacher open the music for stimulate learning.
3. Teacher show word card and give students guess what is it and teacher implicate it is the member of ASEAN
- I have something to show you.
- It is the member of ASEAN, Do you know?
4. Teacher gives the students play game
- Students to count word A-S-E-A-N who read ASEAN must choose a word and read the word card and let’s friends helping to answer the question. If the answer is wrong than they will open a new word card. When the students answered correctly then teacher will tell them today we are going to study about the attractions of Brunei.
- OK, today we are going to study about the attractions of Brunei.
Presentation (10 min)
1. Teacher teaches the attractions of Brunei with give handout.
2. Students underline vocabulary in content and students pronoun the word after teacher and tell past of speech.
3. Students do exercise1.
4. Teacher teaches structure to be going to + V along with a description.
- So now, we will talk about the plan go to travel in Brunei.
5. Students do exercise2.
Practice (15 min)
1. Students pair of two people and create a conversation use the structure to be going to + V about Brunei's attractions by teacher give topic of conversation and students practice after that students role-plays in front class.
2. Teacher walk around the room with the teacher advises students for ideas.
3. Teacher randomly by students name to role-plays and observation and assessment.
- I will call name student with begin the alphabet Y and take your partner out role-play in front class.
Production (15 min)
1. Device students into groups of six people and choose the one of Nakon Si Thammarat's attractions. Do not duplicate.
2. In each group author writer suggests tourist attractions and decorated. And presentation in front class.
- I’d like to you pair up groups of six people and choose the attraction of Nakon SiThammarat and volunteer presentation in front class.
Wrap Up (10 min)
Summarize what they learned.
- Can you help me summarize what we learned today?
- When do we use to be +going to+v?
- What about vocabulary?
Comments and Reflections
1. Music.
2. Words card.
3. Handout
4. Topic conversations.
5. Paper + color pen.
6. Worksheet