As delineated by Saville (2007) and, more recently, Needles (2008), there are eight IES
which have been under continual refinement since their development in 2001. These
standards relate to: entry requirements; content; professional skills; professional values,
ethics and attitudes; practical experience requirements; requirements for assessment;
continuing professional development and competence for auditing professionals.
Karreman (2011) suggests that the introduction of IES indicate the International
Federation of Accountants (IFACs) commitment to improving accountancy as a global
profession. The GAE, 2007 study identified five key areas of development in terms of
qualification, education and training. These elements are: global coordination of
accounting education; standards and regulation; globalization and convergence;
programme development and competence education in professional accounting
(Karreman et al., 2007). The work of the IAESB in seeking to introduce a global approach
to accounting education has a rich history, and thus may be of interest to other
disciplines seeking to develop graduate global mobility.