2.3. Proximate composition of diets
Proximate analysis of all the diets was carried out following the
standard methods of AOAC (1995). Nitrogen content of the sample
was analysed using Kjeltec system (2200 Kjeltec Auto distillation,
Foss Tecator, Sweden) and crude protein (CP) was calculated by
multiplying nitrogen percentage by 6.25. Ether extract (EE) was
determined using Soxtec system (1045 Soxtec Extraction Unit, Foss
Tecator, HÖganäs, Sweden) using diethyl ether (boiling point, 40–
60 C) as a solvent and ash content was estimated by incinerating
the sample in a muffle furnace at 600 C for 6 h. Total carbohydrate
(TC) was calculated by differences as TC = 100 (CP + EE + ash).