rising necessity for healthcare administrators to tackle the aspects
leading to nurse stress and work burnout as a means towards
maintaining a stable and continuous workforce at healthcare
institutions.The study aimed at the development of a reliable and
valid tool for measuring nursing staff stress and burnout at the
University Hospital of King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A crosssectional
descriptive study was designed. All registered high nurses
working at the hospital were included in the study. The total number
accounted for 260 nurses. The study revealed a valid and reliable
scale. Such results were indicated through face validity, content
validity, and principal component analysis using the varimax
rotation for the fifteen statements included in the questionnaire. The
PCA explained 56.4% of the variance and concluded 3 main
components under which the statements would be categorized.
Dimensions were given suitable headings as follows; work aspects,
working conditions, and workload. Reliability was assessed and
revealed an internal consistency (Cronbach alpha=0.8) and a split-half
Spearman-Brown coefficient for unequal length r= 0.79. In
conclusion, the study demonstrated a short valid and reliable scale to
assess the stressful areas for nurses. The scale is convenient for use by
healthcare managers at different medical situations. Further studies
are recommended for the use of the tool on representative samples of
Saudi nurses.
rising necessity for healthcare administrators to tackle the aspectsleading to nurse stress and work burnout as a means towardsmaintaining a stable and continuous workforce at healthcareinstitutions.The study aimed at the development of a reliable andvalid tool for measuring nursing staff stress and burnout at theUniversity Hospital of King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A crosssectionaldescriptive study was designed. All registered high nursesworking at the hospital were included in the study. The total numberaccounted for 260 nurses. The study revealed a valid and reliablescale. Such results were indicated through face validity, contentvalidity, and principal component analysis using the varimaxrotation for the fifteen statements included in the questionnaire. ThePCA explained 56.4% of the variance and concluded 3 maincomponents under which the statements would be categorized.Dimensions were given suitable headings as follows; work aspects,working conditions, and workload. Reliability was assessed andrevealed an internal consistency (Cronbach alpha=0.8) and a split-halfSpearman-Brown coefficient for unequal length r= 0.79. Inconclusion, the study demonstrated a short valid and reliable scale toassess the stressful areas for nurses. The scale is convenient for use byhealthcare managers at different medical situations. Further studiesare recommended for the use of the tool on representative samples ofSaudi nurses.
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