This qualitative case study revealed the characteristics of one secondary school in
its interpretation and application of a 21 st century educational program. The insights
revealed from the teacher and administrator interviews and classroom observations are
critical in understanding how a public 9-12 school implemented particular aspects of a
21 st century educational program. The participants that were interviewed during the study
stressed the importance of the school’s role in preparing young people for the demands of
the 21 st century global society. The 3 R’s of Rigor, Relevance and Resources were the
key elements that distinguished a successful educational program of a 21 st century school.
In order for this transformation to occur it is imperative that the school establishes
a comprehensive vision and articulate its importance to the staff. This along with
constant professional development is key in the success of the implementation of a 21 st
century educational program. By using the MILE Guide as a tool for gauging the
effective rate of implementation of all the necessary elements of a 21 st century
educational program, the study shed some insight on the practical and realistic
experiences of a school organization.