When using co-teaching, teachers should consider students’ grade level, ability level,
significance of disabilities represented, climate of the educational setting, and
administrative support. It is important to consider the appropriate scenarios and handouts
to instructional settings, modification of activities, support activities, and assistive
technologies. An example organizational chart for determining responsibilities is
displayed in Appendix B.1 & B.2. Responsibilities are defined and displayed so that both
teachers understand their role and conflicts are avoided.
Quick guide for co-teaching approaches.
The following guide is designed for teachers to view an easy interpretation of the
similarities and differences in co-teaching approaches.
Parallel teaching:
1. Divide students into two small groups. Groups may be formed
strategically by student needs.
2. Teacher 1 and 2 teach all objectives to their own group.
3. There is an opportunity for students to participate in small group or
class discussions.
Station teaching:
1. Divide students into two groups.
2. Each teacher plans and teaches information at each station.
3. Students rotate between teachers.
Alternative teaching:
1. Teachers plan instruction together.
2. General education teacher instructs the large group.
3. Special education teacher takes students who need additional help or
Team teaching:
1. Teachers plan instruction and present together.
2. Teachers work together to ensure appropriate and effective learning.