Once upon a time. There are many animals in a big jungle.
8. A great elephant left his herd to find food for his blind mother living in a big jungle.
9. Elephant met friends and asked “How are you?” friend said “I’m good and you?” He said “I’m well, excited to meet you”
10. While he was out finding food, he met a huntsman sitting and crying.
11. Out of compassion, he led the huntsman out of the jungle.
12. As he saw the beauty of the elephant, the huntsman thought of doing something evil. So he marked the site with a tree branch in case he would get back to the place.
13. All the time, the prince announced his intention to find an auspicious elephant to increase his prestige.
14. Huntsman thought evil before he got into the palace.
15. The huntsman offered to bring the elephant to the prince.
16. The huntsman led the mahout and his entourage into the jungle.
17. The huntsman saw the elephant drinking water in a big pond and was very happy.
18. As he saw the huntsman and his entourage, the elephant knew that he was in danger.
19. He controlled his anger and agreed to be brought to the city without resistance.
20. The prince saw the elephant and was so happy.
21. The prince told his servant to give the elephant the best food.
22. The great elephant could not help thinking of his mother.
23. The prince begged him to eat; the elephant said “When I see these great foods, I think of my blind mother. How is she doing?”
24. When the prince learned of that he was sad and said “This great elephant was so grateful. So set him free”
25. The great elephant was very happy to be free again and thought to the prince.
26. “Your majesty, may you live with the caution.” The elephant said to the prince.
27. The elephant headed back to the jungle.
28. When she saw her son back, the skinny mother elephant was so happy.
29. Mother said to the elephant “I wished the prince a long life.”
30. The skinny mother looked back her son with proud.
31. The elephant went back to the palace again.
32. The prince praised the great elephant for his gratitude as a great virtue that deserve worship even from the prince.