3. Methodology and Data
3.1 Objectives
The first objective of this section is to explain the methodology chosen to investigate the objectives of this study.
The second objective is to display the data selection process.
3.2 Introduction
This section is divided into four subsections and discusses a number of different ways to conduct research. The
first subsection analyses and explains the selected research paradigm while the second subsection discuses the
terms of generalisability, reliability and validity. In the third subsection there is a discussion about the methods
with which the selected data is collected and analysed. The fourth subsection provides an analysis over the
scope of this survey. Moreover, there is a discussion about the limitations of the selected methods at the end of
this section. A final subsection concludes this section.
3.3 Research Paradigm
One of the most important factors that you have to identify and define when selecting a research methodology is