1. Setting the POSDROID handhelds on POS units and not through the server is possibly not efficient and this needs to be addressed. Especially as this was set through POS1 and POS8 - the 2 busiest terminals in the bar.
2. Setting printers through POS5 and not the Server is possibly not efficient and this needs to be addressed.
3. The primary "Mobile Beach Bar" in front of pool stage area - we should consider to have 2 POS terminals rather than tablets in this station. Please discuss internally.
4. WIFI system seems to have dead spots at beach area in front of Tree Bar and in front of ArkBar 1 on beach area. Please ask contractor to return to check these and analyse if additional WIFI units needed to ensure strength and stability. PLease confirm that all WIFI units are on UPS protection for power.
5. LAN cables at Beach bar in front of pool/stage - please have contractor check these to test if there is any issues with the terminal heads, (clean, cable not connected or loose, covers not connected or loose, cable stretched)
6. STock Control: to set up the way you have requested means splitting the Menu. Please confirm if you wish to proceed this way. Then we will plan accordingly.
7. Menu structure: after discussion we will analyse together a Menu structure that may provide additional efficiency. We will set this up on our demo unit for you consider.
8. KDS test: we will set up KDS demo to identify if this is a way to improve order management in kitchens
9. Checker Printer: we suggest to have separate printer for checker instead of using the Main receipt printer.
10. Excel worksheet of the Network - please send as requested.