From the first class of biology. I’m impressed the teaching of Professor Holmes. That is asks a question, the students to participate the classroom. By his teaching techniques are beginning to describe the overview details. Make the students understand and realize the value and the importance of the subject.
Professor is dedicated to teaching fully. I like his teaching with an introductory to the lesson. There are links to interesting stories about learning content. If I don’t understand the content can to the consult at the professor’s office. That helps explain what to understand in the classroom. But I don’t like teaching focused on lectures more practice. Students learn by taking notes carefully verbatim, learning isn’t a variety of media. There are no pictures or video make the classroom is very stressful. It’s no fun or relaxes. Professor should choose use a new method of learning, conideration of differences of the students. To encourage student to learn and fully understand the lesson that long.