3.3 The Implementation of IQ Projects
The implementation of IQ projects can be separated into two distinct steps: Developing the IQ Implementation Plan and Implementing the IQ Projects.
3.3.1 Developing the IQ Implementation Plan
As recommended by [3], the project management will be applied in developing the IQ
implementation plan in which it provides information on:
• Task Summary: list project goals, objectives, scope and synopsis of anticipated benefits.
• Task Description: describe data quality tasks.
• Project Approach: summarise tasks and tools to be used as a baseline in developing
BCRO Analysis.
• Report Analysis: List reports that conform to the BCRO Analysis.
3.3.2 Implementing the IQ Projects
In implementing the IQ projects, based upon the TDQM process, it is defined into four activities:
1. Define: as in Table 1, to identify the IQ requirements.
2. Measure: to measure in conformance with the requirements as in Table 1.
3. Analyse: to verify, validate and assess the causes for poor IQ and seek for the improvement.
4. Improve: to improve the IQ, it may have to change data entry procedures, enhancement of data validation rules or using a uniform standard using throughout the organisation.