2.5. Determina tion of titratable acidity
Titratabl e acidity was determined by AOAC method [8]. 10 mL
of sample was placed into a250 mL beaker and 90 mL distilled
water was added. The solution was continuously stirred by amag-
netic stirrer and titrated against standardi zed solution of 0.1 N
NaOH to the end point (pH 8.2 ±0.1).The volume of NaOH was
converte d to amount of malic acid (gram)per 100 mL of juice
and titratable acidity was then calculated by using following
equation :
Acidity ð%Þ ¼
mL base titrant Normali ty of base Acid fac tor 100
Sam ple volume in mL