The majority of decisions made by The Coca-Cola Company are done so by using the incremental method. Each year, the company would analyze results, and then make slight changes in operations to create better results next year. The company does not just quickly decide to create a new product, or change operations. Drastic changes take time. Recently, realizing that the company was in desperate need for a drastic change, Is dell sought to figure out why the company performance was declining. Bystarting at the lower levels of the organization to find solutions, the company was able tomake some drastic changes to the company’s culture, how employees were rewarded, andmade efforts to get employees more involved. The changes brought on by using theunstructured decision making model created much better results for the company.One of the biggest flaws in the organization is that the board of directors is responsible for some of the non-programmed decisions made by the company. When The Coca-Cola Company was seeking to purchase Quaker Oats, the deal was almost finalized, but then stopped because the board felt the price was too. When decisions are made by the board, itmeans they lack confidence in the upper management of the company to make vitaldecisions.This is problematic for the company for a few reasons. Because members of the board haveso much money invested in company stock, they want to minimize risk, and thus, areextremely prone to take fewer chances. The members of the board do not or have not worked for the company, so they are not close enough to know all the pertinent information required to make complex decisions.