In three rows 11 hills per container were made, and three seeds were placed in each place at about one cm depth. From 14 March 2009, one liter of each concentration of nutrient solution was sprinkled to the carrot plants everyday to provide the sufficient amount of water and nutrients.After onemonth,whenthe leaveswere starting to spread, two seedlings were removed leaving one healthy plant per place. At the end of study on 2 June 2009 growth of carrot plants were measured as leaf numbers, length, fresh, and dry weight whereas, yield was measured as the length, diameter, and fresh weight of roots. Leaves of each carrot plant were collected in brown paper bag (230 cm×318 cm, K Roll Special 1gou, Fukusukekogyo Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) kept in constant temperature oven (DKN 812, Yamato Scientific Co. Ltd., Japan) for measuring the dry weight at 80 ◦C for 72 h. Fresh weight of carrot roots were measured with an electrical balance (Tuning-Fork Balance, CJ-620, Shinko Denshi Co. Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan).