Five isolates JDB 3 (Pseudomonas sp.), JDB
5(Pseudomonas sp.), JDB 9(Bacillus sp.), JDB 11(Bacillus
sp.) and JDB 14(Bacillus sp.) were found to exhibit
maximum number of PGP traits. Hence, they are
considered as efficient endophytic isolates as they
possess dual abilities i.e. antagonistic and plant growth
promotion with the view of plant health and
productivity. Thus, these promising endophytic
bacterial isolates obtained from the present study may
be commercially formulated as effective biocontrol agents for the management soil-borne fungal pathogens
of soybean. These isolates were further selected for
interaction studies between pathogen in vivo under
field conditions for effects on plant growth
performance, disease incidences and induction of
systemic resistance in soybean