NO inbetweens ........... The Character has been hit by a tremendous force.
His head is nearly snapped off.
ONE inbetweens ......... The Character has been hit by a brick, rolling pin,
frying pan.
TWO inbetweens ......... The Character has a nervous tic, a muscle spasm,
an uncontrollable twitch.
THREE inbetweens ..... The Character is dodging a brick, rolling pin,frying pan.
FOUR inbetweens ........... The Character is giving a crisp order, "Get going!" "Move it!"
FIVE inbetweens ........... The Character is more friendly, "Over here." "Come on-hurry!"
SIX inbetweens ........... The Character sees a good looking girl, or thesports car he has always wanted.
SEVEN inbetwee