1. Credit Sales (Salesman)
At each month-end, Credit & Collection Controller collects sale invoices (acknowledged by customers) from Distribution Center (DC). The invoices are arranged by sales areas.
A “Monthly Bill Summary Report” is then generated from the SAP via T code Y_D03_37000007 by the Credit & Collection Controller (K.Salisa). Credit’s Information shown on the “Monthly Bill Summary Report” includes reference doc no. (billing no.), customer name, posting date, sales quantity, gross sales, total sales, VAT and total net amount.
Credit & Collection Controller will then match each line item in the “Monthly Bill Summary Report” to each customer-acknowledged individual sale invoice received from Distribution Center. Name of customer, invoice number and individual sales amount is checked. Together with the sale invoices and Monthly Bill Summary Report is submitted to the salesman.
Salesman signs on “Monthly Bill Summary Report” as an evidence of receipts of the documents and prepares “Receipts” (similar to “Bill Placement” as a notice of payments expecting from customers) based on the total amount indicated on “Monthly Bill Summary Report”. (Note: A clause on the “Receipt” clearly indicates that the receipt is not effective until actual amount is received).
1. Credit Sales (Salesman) At each month-end, Credit & Collection Controller collects sale invoices (acknowledged by customers) from Distribution Center (DC). The invoices are arranged by sales areas. A “Monthly Bill Summary Report” is then generated from the SAP via T code Y_D03_37000007 by the Credit & Collection Controller (K.Salisa). Credit’s Information shown on the “Monthly Bill Summary Report” includes reference doc no. (billing no.), customer name, posting date, sales quantity, gross sales, total sales, VAT and total net amount. Credit & Collection Controller will then match each line item in the “Monthly Bill Summary Report” to each customer-acknowledged individual sale invoice received from Distribution Center. Name of customer, invoice number and individual sales amount is checked. Together with the sale invoices and Monthly Bill Summary Report is submitted to the salesman. Salesman signs on “Monthly Bill Summary Report” as an evidence of receipts of the documents and prepares “Receipts” (similar to “Bill Placement” as a notice of payments expecting from customers) based on the total amount indicated on “Monthly Bill Summary Report”. (Note: A clause on the “Receipt” clearly indicates that the receipt is not effective until actual amount is received).
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