DM, OM, CP and fibre components (NDF and ADF) intakes for the different diets are shown in Table 2. Average daily intake of the diet with only B. brizantha hay was 8.5 kg DM. The total intakes of cows supplemented daily with 2 kg DM and 3 kg DM of Moringa were significantly ( P b0.05) higher than the intake of the unsupplemented cows. Total DM intake increased with supplementation in proportion to the amount of Moringa offered, although the intake was not significantly different between 2 kg or 3 kg DM of supplement. The differences in DM intake compared to B. brizantha hay were +1.7 and +2.5 kg DM for the diets supplemented with 2 kg and 3 kg DM of Moringa, respectively.
Apparent digestibility coefficients of the diets are shown in Table 2. The supplemented diets had significantly ( P b0.05) higher digestibility coefficients than the unsupplemented B. brizantha hay diet. The cows supplemented with 2 kg or 3 kg DM Moringa daily had similar apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients. An estimation using the intakes and digestibilities for the diets with 2 or 3 kg DM Moringa and assuming that the digestibilities were the same for the diet components showed that the digestibility of the B. brizantha hay was 52% and of the added Moringa foliage about 80%.