SCENE I. The Temple of the Sun.
He comes, Arsaces comes, my gallant Brother
(Like shining Mars in all the pomp of conquest)
Triumphant enters now our joyful gates;
Bright Victory waits on his glitt’ring car,
And shews her fav’rite to the wond’ring croud;
While Fame exulting sounds the happy name
To realms remote, and bids the world admire.
Oh! ’tis a glorious day: let none presume
T’indulge the tear, or wear the gloom of sorrow;
This day shall shine in Ages yet to come,
And grace the Parthian story.
Glad Ctes’phon
Pours forth her numbers, like a rolling deluge,
To meet the blooming Hero; all the ways,
On either side, as far as sight can stretch,
Are lin’d with crouds, and on the lofty walls
Innumerable multitudes are rang’d.
On ev’ry countenance impatience sate
With roving eye, before the train appear’d.
But when they saw the Darling of the Fates,
They rent the air with loud repeated shouts;
The Mother shew’d him to her infant Son,
And taught his lisping tongue to name Arsaces:
E’en aged Sires, whose sounds are scarcely heard,
By feeble strength supported, tost their caps,
And gave their murmur to the gen’ral voice.
The spacious streets, which lead up to the Temple,
Are strew’d with flow’rs; each, with frantic joy,
His garland forms, and throws it in the way.
What pleasure, Phraates, must swell his bosom,
To see the prostrate nation all around him,
And know he’s made them happy! to hear them
Tease the Gods, to show’r their blessings on him!
Happy Arsaces! fain I’d imitate
Thy matchless worth, and be a shining joy!
Hark! what a shout was that which pierc’d the skies!
It seem’d as tho’ all Nature’s beings join’d,
To hail thy glorious Brother.
Happy Parthia!
Now proud Arabia dreads her destin’d chains,
While shame and rout disperses all her sons.
Barzaphernes pursues the fugitives,
The few whom fav’ring Night redeem’d from slaughter;
Swiftly they fled, for fear had wing’d their speed,
And made them bless the shade which saf’ty gave.