own specifi cities, which depend on many parameters,
just like it is shown in the PEST analysis. Th e PEST
analysis has also pointed at complexities of making a
decision about the choice of the future model.
As it is defi ned in the suggested model for evaluation, we did the analysis of the result in two steps, as a
prime analysis and as an analysis with scaled infl uences
of group criteria. During the scaling, we wanted to
show dependence of the fi nal result compared to the
observed group criteria. It is needed to keep in mind
the fact that the fi nal result depends a lot from the
outside factors. Th at means that during the defi ning
of input parameters, the PEST analysis has to proceed.
Th e model was made for a particular area, which
has its specifi cities. In the observed area a survey was
done with adjusted content for the chosen area and potential future users. If it is about another area, especially an urban environment, which has an already built
infrastructure and available some of the technologies,
it is necessary to alternate the model. Th e outcome of
that model can be diff erent than the suggested one,
but it can also have a very high level of a result match.
Th at would mean that during the making of the decision about the choice of the access network model, a
hybrid form the solution made from combinations of
diff erent technologies should be considered.
Th e suggested model of evaluation and the methodology of access the prescribed criteria can be used as
a pattern for evaluation of other network models. Th e
model accents the necessity of the complete overlook
of aspects which aff ect the choice, and not just the
short-term economic investment costs eff ectiveness.
own specifi cities, which depend on many parameters,
just like it is shown in the PEST analysis. Th e PEST
analysis has also pointed at complexities of making a
decision about the choice of the future model.
As it is defi ned in the suggested model for evaluation, we did the analysis of the result in two steps, as a
prime analysis and as an analysis with scaled infl uences
of group criteria. During the scaling, we wanted to
show dependence of the fi nal result compared to the
observed group criteria. It is needed to keep in mind
the fact that the fi nal result depends a lot from the
outside factors. Th at means that during the defi ning
of input parameters, the PEST analysis has to proceed.
Th e model was made for a particular area, which
has its specifi cities. In the observed area a survey was
done with adjusted content for the chosen area and potential future users. If it is about another area, especially an urban environment, which has an already built
infrastructure and available some of the technologies,
it is necessary to alternate the model. Th e outcome of
that model can be diff erent than the suggested one,
but it can also have a very high level of a result match.
Th at would mean that during the making of the decision about the choice of the access network model, a
hybrid form the solution made from combinations of
diff erent technologies should be considered.
Th e suggested model of evaluation and the methodology of access the prescribed criteria can be used as
a pattern for evaluation of other network models. Th e
model accents the necessity of the complete overlook
of aspects which aff ect the choice, and not just the
short-term economic investment costs eff ectiveness.
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