When cristopher Columbus arrived on America’s shores in 1492, many New World cultures were already highly developed The visit Art and Inca Empires,and precious jewels, had evolved metallurgical skills that rivaled these of the Spanish conquistadores.
The foundations of advanced metallurgy were laid by the Chavin,who evolved in the northem coastal region of modern-day peru around 900 a.c.They mastered gold smelting and casting,and excelied at hammering gold into wafes-thin sheets,which they embossed with decorations.The Early Horizon (900 a.c.-A.D. 200) cultures also discovered the use of alloys.Fully developed smelting evolved during the Moche culture (200 a.c.-A.D. 600),when metallurgists began to experiment with fludary color,and strength.Thereafter,most pre Colombian gold .