Background : many of the social and health problems among children today are related to alcohol abuse. Life skill program provides a child with a practical and realistic set of skills to increase their personal safety , confidence ,ability to communicate professionally and how to assess avoid potential dangerous situation .
Objective : this quasi-experimental study was to investigate the effectiveness of life skill development program on behavior modification for alcohol drinking prevention among primary school students in 6 drade, Methods: the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of life skill development program on behavior modification for alcohol drinking prevention among primary school students in 6 grade .the sample were divided into two groups including the experimental group and control group. The experimental group received the activities that applied from life skill development program consisting of 5 session ; meanwhile the control group did not receive life skill development program. Data were collected using a set of questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation, were employed to analyze data. Independent t-test was used to compare the differences between the two groups. Moreover, pair t-test was employed to test the differences in group. P-value was set at 0.05 . Results: After the intervention, self-awareness mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group (p0.05) . Conclusions: these findings suggest that life skill development program is beneficial and enabled the students to be aware of the negative outcome of alcohol abuse. The life skill development program was found to be effective among the six graders in the primary schools ,supanburi province