In the WD group, water-meters (Superdry, Eur-8, Idrotech, Udine, Italy) were installed along the water distribution system. Every water-meter recorded water disappearance from the drinker of a single pen. Water disappearance was recorded every 2 weeks and average daily water disappearance per pig was calculated. Daily behaviour (from 8 AM to 6 PM) of 40 pigs (eight
pens of five animals; four pens per group) was videotaped once a week by means of a digital closed circuit system. No recording of vocalisation was made. A total of 15 videotaping sessions were recorded. Videos were examined by a single trained operator and behavioural traits were assessed by scan sampling at 10 min intervals according to a predetermined ethogram for heavy pigs (Martelli et al., 2010). Videos were then watched continuously and drinking behaviour (number and duration of visits to the drinkers) was recorded. A visit was defined as a contact with the drinker lasting more than 1 s and, when visible, followed by deglutition. If two consecutive contacts were less than 3 s apart, they were considered as a single visit.