Phase HI: Supply Chain Development
The final phase is the development of a supply chain
strategy and tactical plan for implementing that strategy.
The objective here is to develop a strategy for the
company, based on the work done in the first two phases
which is consistent with customer desires, management
focus, market characteristics and the realities of the
organisation. This strategy should utilise fully the company
operations and competitive tools, and allow an approach
to supply chain improvements which is integrated with the
rest of the business.
The final task is to reduce the supply chain strategy to
actionable implementation plans by developing specific,
time-phased, tactical plans for implementing the strategy.
This involves organising and prioritising the list of potential
improvements, developed in an earlier task, to reflect the
strategic plans which have now been developed. The result
of this task is a set of time-phased action plans for
implementing the supply chain strategy.