Research Design
Is Stephen Covey’s non-fiction book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” truly effective? If yes, what aspects of his theories and guidance support this 100% assurance of one being an ‘effective’ individual? If no, why is it ineffective, and what parts or concepts stated by Covey supports its inadequacy towards the reader and society? Authors like Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends & Influence People, 1937), M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Travelled, 1978), Stephen R. Covey (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, 1989) and Rhonda Byrne (The Secret, 2006) thrived on this need of people to be just as effective, which for them, could not be achieved on their own terms. Do we truly need texts – or for that matter, other people to deliver to us that character is built through hard work? Is this realization just not available to the majority of society, granting others the right to offer the said “obvious” to those who cannot see it?