we waited for spring time to arrive in Toulouse, and for the volcanic ash cloud to go away before sending you this March newsletter, which we hope that you will enjoy. You will find an interview of Nick Bloom. Who has joined the TNIT in January, a description by Suzamme Scotchmer of the course on Digital Marhets that she teaches in Berkeley (so that you can take a brweak from our series of reading lists) and a discussion by Doh- Shin Jeon on the problems of increased concentration in the market for electronic publishing.
We also have taken this opportunity to insert the call for paper of the Sixth (already!) biennial conference on "Intellectual Property, Software and the Internet" which will be held in Toulouse in January 2011 (the "regulars" will notice the name change, due to the growing importance of IP issues). We cannot promise sunshine, but we can promise a stimulating conference and a pleasant time.