All humans have certain levels of both masculine energy and feminine energy flowing through them. Most men have more masculine energy, which centers on logic, reasoning and long-term goals.
Most females have more feminine energy, which responds less to logic and more to the emotions of the present moment.
The inner feminine is naturally drawn to situations that stimulate the emotions. It could be joy, pleasure, drama or dilemmas — the bigger range of emotions, the better.
This is why women tend to be better at expressing their emotions, and it’s one of the reasons why their moods swing from moment to moment.
It’s also why women don’t crave the “sweet gentleman.” The caring guy who gives compliments and buys gifts is clearly a great catch, but he’s too one-dimensional to even stroke the surface of the inner feminine.
Conversely, the cocksure Casanova who creates drama, doesn’t care for anyone and should be undesirable always gets the girl.
He interests the inner feminine far more by unleashing the full range of female emotions.
It’s a natural attraction, which is a far stronger feeling than logic for the majority of ladies.