-week period and for the entire 3-month study period. Generally,
the commenting feature was used less than the logging feature
with an average of only 3.5 comments being made per active user.
The comments included: encouragement about the post, ‘‘good
job!’’ and ‘‘Woot!’’; additional information about the food or activity entered, ‘‘Santa Cruz organic added to Perrier’’; or their feeling
about the activity, ‘‘I love Thai food, yum’’.
All the determinants in the ABC Framework for health behaviour change were enquired through the pre-, mid-, and post-questionnaires using 5-point Likert scale questions. The responses from
these questionnaires were compared through repeated measures
ANOVA statistical analysis for the following groups: Chicago clinic
experimental, all-clinical experimental, Chicago clinic control, and
non-clinical. The ‘‘all-clinical’’ experimental group includes the
responses from both the Chicago clinic and the Vancouver clinic.
A repeated-measures ANOVA was run for each determinant for
health behaviour change. The responses from the Vancouver clinic
could not be compared on its own due to the small of number of
participants in this group. The responses from the Chicago clinic
experimental group and the all-clinical experiment group were compared with the Chicago clinic control group to determine if there were changes associated with use of VivoSpace beyond association with the clinic.
The positive significant changes were seen in the following
individual-based determinants: attitude towards physical activity;
self-efficacy in eating healthy foods; and self-efficacy in performing