The research question is: “Is it possible to consider the game theory as one of the creative methods of successful managing of communication risks at educational projects of different types and sizes, with respect to economic and management specifics of post-crisis Czech Republic?”
To fulfil the high cited purpose and to answer the research question we will use these methods:
x Critical analysis of literature and information sources.
x The analysis of available and validated results within the research on features of project managers and their competencies, which are available and described in more detail within the annual report of the KEGA project No. 003/DTI-4/2014 (qualitative analysis by structured interviews and quantitative analysis by questionnaires sent to project managers about application of specific approaches and methods to risk management and communication in educational projects).
x Application of game theory in current economic situation in the Czech Republic, with the aim to find a specific example of application of the prisoner’s dilemma and its correlation with a specific situation and subsequent transformation of the findings into its use by project managers for elimination of communication risks at educational projects.
x Synthesis of the above mentioned findings and facts to confirm the Bilton and Cumming’s hypothesis (2014) that the use of game theory makes it possible to understand the needs and interests of the involved persons in a better way and to finalize the project successfully.