I don't know because this interval in the range of being in love? Keep strong girl, gem, is an excellent getaway man. To smile in front of the door is constantly spinning the fan who last John which is the bastard China-Italian. This girl is the ploy, "acknowledged John young is the most special people in this time, which met for the first time to a friend once introduced as known from his ignorance nor that ploy as anyone. If we feel that we are rejected, why should we single came one year and then I think we are ready, I would like to talk to him. He makes us feel good and wanted to talk with him, whether we are celebrities. He is also the same person is polite. However, we are the same age. So don't worry that it is not compatible. But he is a person who does not have Facebook or instagram. Therefore, when we trace data, they may be difficult, it is a bit personal gem for gem. I don't want to get caught up in Sri Lanka, there has never been a fan of this relationship, but it is too far to think that problems with distance. For one it encounters, but it was worth it to wait for what's expected, it doesn't get caught first. But as of today there are recognized OK along with pleasure. If one day, not to make friends. There are no problems with anything "