The following pages present the World Co-operative Monitor rankings, both by sector and for the Top 300. This edition of the report also features a special section on the Agriculture and Food Industries sector, inspired by the 2015 World Expo in Milan focused on agriculture and food systems.
The results presented below are to be considered exploratory, not exhaustive. As explained in the methodology section above, comparisons among co-operatives in different sectors should be made with due caution, keeping in mind that varying economic indicators have been used for different types of organisations (banking income for banks, premium income for insurance co-operatives and mutuals, and turnover for other co-operatives).
If an organization performs more than one activity it is categorized in the sector representing its primary activity. Note that there is no ranking for the “Other activities” sector due to the limited number of co-operatives in the dataset pertaining to that category.
For more details on the methodology of the data collection and rankings see page 4 or the World Co-operative Monitor methodology paper available at