And yes, energy also comes from your muscles let me tell you a secret do you know energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be stored are transfered. Oh, you look confused and let explain it further all energy in this word exists in two forms one is called magnetic energy remember potential energy is stored energy in the object whereas kinetic energy is energy of motion Let's see if you examples of potential have you seen a catapult it has so much stored energy that it can throw stones to distant places also look at this big rock on the slope. If it falls down it can do a lot of damage it has a lot of potential energy which means a lot of stored energy of the spring. HaHa this is a battery this contains chemical potential energy it can light above now let's look at kinetic energy see this the stone is falling down now it has kinetic energy the potential energy has changed into kinetic energy. Now look at this is pendulum it show clear example of potential and kinetic energy. If you hold the pendulum on one side it has potential and g but as you release it the potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy so stored energy and emotion energy.It is stored energy and motion energy so now you understand energy good then keep dancing. Remember potential energy is stored energy in the object whereas kinetic energy is energy of motion. Look at this big rock on the slope if it falls down it can do a lot of damage. It has a lot of potential energy which mean a lot of stored energy. Now let's look at kinetic energy see this the stone is falling down now it has kinetic energy the potemtial energy has changed into energy.