We issued Form AK in wrong way in August. It was typing error: 207F. I just asked “the Korea Chamber of Commerce and industry” who is charge of issuing AK-form that I could revised already approved CO, but it is not possible.
2) New AK-form in November, I found there is no error, HS code is also right. 3919.90 is the standard and other digits can be varied according to the countries. When it is 3919.10, it means film tape narrower than 200mm but our Line marking tape is 1050mm. There is no chance to correct the HS code.
If you want to add Ducksung item number 270F before “line marking tape” it would be possible, but I should get back the CO from A Plus first and send the Commerce Chamber again and apply new. It’s very long way.
Please let me have your idea.
which makes fined the customs