So, in November 2014 vKontakte had about 55 million users, followed by Odnoklassniki with 40 million visitors. Moi Mir (My World) and Facebook are the closest to each other by the number of visitors, with about 25 and 24 million of monthly visitors respectively. Although Twitter keeps growing in Russia, according to Brand Analytics it only rounds out the top-7, having about 8.5 million visits a month.
VKontakte also has the most active authors (almost 24 million for December 2014). The 2nd and 3rd positions are taken by Instagram and Twitter, but they lag far behind Vk – they have about 2. 7 and 2.1 million authors respectively. However, Twitter had almost 251 million posts per month, hence getting ahead of vKontakte (over 244 million of monthly posts):