Timm et al. (1962) treated dormant or sprouted seed potatoes with various concentrations of gibberellic acid and indicated that emergence of plants from treated seed was more rapid than from untreated seed. Wareing and Jennings (1980) proved that the growth of secondary buds in potato stolons, has been intrigued and this phenomenon should predominate final dominancy. Racca and Tizio (1968) found that before tuberization the shoots contained large quantities of gibberellin-like substances which decreased after tuberization and it is suggested that these substances are of importance in the control of tuberization. Also, GA3 leads to smaller tubers resulting in increased bud numbers and stolons by removing of apical dominance. Foliar application of GA3 (5 and 10 ppm) increased the length of stems and stolons, and decreased the tuber fertility, but causes elongation of the stolons (Burton 1989; Chapman, 2006).