Guaranteed Outcome is a SCAM! The same ole’ phrases are getting old and online traders are sick and tired of hearing about how they can make millions in a few weeks, the same dream that and other fake Auto Traders are selling the public, on a weekly basis, each time with a different name, today this “Guaranteed” to lose your money offer is joining my blacklist. For experienced online traders, it’s obviously a joke, a fake software that one can easily detect. Unfortunately many new traders and online newbie opportunities seekers are signing up with shady offers like Guaranteed Outcome, now promoted all over the web on fake blogs and via email marketing campaigns. If you search for reviews on Guaranteed Outcome on Google, you will find nothing but great endorsements. Why is that? It’s because the people behind the scam are clever enough to create these positive reviews before they launch the product to the public just in case someone like me will post a warning. - See more at: