shows another pulse timer that switches on an output for a predetermined time after the input ceases. This uses a timer and two internal relays.
When there is an input to In 1, the internal relay IR 1 is energized. The timer does not start at this point because the normally closed In 1 contacts are open. The closing of the IR 1 contacts means that the internal relay IR 2 is energized. There is, however, no output from Out 1 at this stage because, for the bottom rung, we have In 1 contacts open. When the input to In 1 ceases, both the internal relays remain energized and the timer is started.
After the set time, the timer contacts, which are normally closed, open and switch off IR 2. This in turn switches off IR 1. It also, in the bottom rung, switches off the output Out 1. Thus the output is off for the duration of the input, then is switched on for a predetermined length of time.