Will the proposed action lead to or help alleviate overcrowding of public facilities (ie.. schools and recreational facilities)?
Will it lead to or help alleviate underuse?
How will it affect the ability to provide adequate services?
Will the project result in relocation or displacement of public facilities or community centers (e.g., places of worship)?
will the proposed action increase or decrease the likelihood of accidents for nonmotorists? Will the proposed action increase or decrease crime? Will there be changes in emergency response time (fire, police, and emergency medical? Displacement What are the effects on the neighborhood from which people move and into which people are relo. cated? How many residences will be displaced? What types-multiunit, single family, others? Are there residents with special needs (disabled, minority, elderly) being displaced? How many businesses and farms will be displaced? What types? Do they have unique characteristics, such as specialty products or a unique customer base? Are there available sites to accommodate those displaced?